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Whispering good dogs

Dog whisperer article

Quest Newspapers’ feature about how Justin Jordan, the ‘dog whisperer’, helps with problem dogs.


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Whispering good dogs 

Justin Jordan is a dog whisperer. He travels to Springfield to help you with your problem dog.

With more than 20 years’ experience, Mr Jordan, who owns Jordan Dog Training teaches puppy school every night of the week.

The main problem he sees is excessive barking and destructive behaviour. This is mainly caused by boredom, which stems from a lack of exercise, not enough interaction with the human pack members as dogs are very social animals, and the wrong diet.

The five main rules he tries to highlight in these instances are diet, exercise, discipline, boundaries and affection.

“Get these things right and most of the problems are resolved,” says the dog lover, who only uses gentle methods.

“A walk a day is also essential, remembering a tired dog is a happy dog.”

Mr Jordan’s other most important job right now is training Red, the Queensland Reds mascot, a four-month-old red heeler.

“Red is going great. He now knows 47 commands, which is incredible in a dog so young. ”

“He’s not a circus performer, far from it. He’s a dog with a job.”

Golden rules
The first rule is not to allow your dog to sleep on your bed. The other is don’t allow them on furniture. No leaving food around and make your dog eat after you. Diet and walks are musts.


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Justin Jordan Trainer

Justin Jordan

Master Trainer

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