In the community

Justin Jordan supports various rescue organisations in helping dogs to overcome potential behaviour issues before they go to their new home.

He volunteers his services at the Peninsular Animal Aid at Clontarf, which is a volunteer organisation rescuing and re-homing hundreds of beautiful puppies and dogs each year – they are always on the look out for community support and volunteers to help. Jordan Dog Training supports the great work that Best Friends Rescue does in rehoming so many dogs in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and we offer our services to help settle these dogs into new homes and also by doing temperament assessments – just another way we like to support the doggy community!

Training a Mascot!

Jordan Dog Training are also involved in the training RED, the junior mascot of Queensland Rugby Union. An enjoyable contribution to the community and this service is provided pro bono.

Introducing Red Dog—the charismatic and spirited official junior mascot of the Queensland Reds.

Red is an extraordinarily energetic and affectionate pooch who never fails to entertain and bring a smile to his two-legged fans.

Queensland Ruby Mascot

It takes very little practice for him to understand and then start repeating them on command (I guess it does help to have two big brothers to set a good example.)

Red’s training began with learning 36 commands!  These included Sit, Drop, Stand, Stay, Heel, Hugs, Fetch, Wave, High Five, Roll Over, Spin, Shake, and Smile (for the camera!). He even learned how to carry the kicking tee and take it to the players on the field!

Are you are involved with a community organisation and would like a visit? Please speak to Justin or one of the Jordan Dog Training Team and if it is possible, we will be happy to help! We are very busy with all of our training but if we can, we will!

You can message us here.